Craft Your Narrative: The art of sharpening your key messages for powerful media interviews

by Rhoda Macdonald, Senior Counsel & Alice McLaren Blade, Associate Partner

20 May 2024

This insight is the second piece in our ongoing Media Training series which we’ll be publishing every couple of weeks. Read our first piece here on Knowing Your Interviewer by Adam Taylor. For more media training tips, check back regularly on our insights page, or get in touch with a member of our corporate communications team.

In the fast-paced world of media interviews, clarity reigns supreme. Before the cameras roll or the recording starts, take a crucial step: solidify your core message. Ask yourself, “What value do I bring to the table?” and “What makes my story newsworthy and relevant?” These answers form the backbone of your narrative, the compelling story you’ll share with the audience.

Know your three key points:

Don’t underestimate the power of focus. Journalists often juggle multiple topics and tight deadlines. Having three key points, concise and well-rehearsed, ensures your message cuts through the noise. Write them down, refine them, and rehearse them until they flow naturally. This focused approach helps you steer the conversation and ensures your key takeaways land with the audience.

Speak human, not industry:

Imagine a journalist, well-versed in a broad range of topics, interviewing you about your industry. Now, imagine them interviewing a dozen other experts from diverse fields. Jargon-laden explanations will likely leave them, and the audience, lost in a maze of technical terms.

Strive for clear, concise, and human-centric language. Explain complex concepts in a way your neighbour could understand. Instead of industry jargon, use strong verbs, vivid descriptions, and relatable everyday examples. This human-centric approach fosters connection with the audience and ensures your message resonates.

Data with impact:

Facts and figures can add undeniable weight to your interview, but use them judiciously. A barrage of statistics can overwhelm viewers and leave them grasping for meaning.

Weave a compelling narrative that seamlessly integrates relevant data. For instance, instead of simply stating a growth percentage, explain how that translates to creating new jobs or improving customer experiences. Numbers become more impactful when they illustrate a human story.

Crafting Your Narrative in Action:

  • Scenario 1: Discussing a new product launch: Focus on the product’s benefit to the user. Explain how it solves a problem, improves lives, or fills a gap in the market. Use relatable examples or customer testimonials to illustrate its real-world impact.
  • Scenario 2: Sharing your company’s sustainability efforts: Don’t just list initiatives; explain the story behind them. Talk about your commitment to the environment, the challenges you face, and the positive impact your efforts are making. Use facts and figures to quantify your progress, but weave them into a narrative that resonates with environmentally conscious viewers.


  • Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse your narrative, ensuring a smooth and engaging delivery.
  • Anticipate Questions: Think about how your key messages can be applied to potential questions.
  • Be Prepared to Adapt: While having a core message is important, be flexible enough to adapt to the interview’s flow.

By crafting a clear, concise, and human-centric narrative, you ensure your media interview goes beyond simply answering questions. It becomes an opportunity to tell your story, deliver your key messages, and leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Read Adam Taylor’s top tips for achieving your interview goals by Knowing Your Interviewer.

To find out more about how to get the desired outcome from your media engagements get in touch.

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