
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner (BCLP) commissioned H/Advisors Cicero to support them in their annual Emerging Themes in Financial Regulation campaign that was aimed to:

  • Position BCLP as leaders in the regulatory landscape and in emerging technologies, which are impacting on business models
  • Maximise awareness of the campaign and ensure high penetration among key audiences (UK branches of foreign banks, compliance and legal teams within UK banks, insurers and asset managers, heads of litigation, regulation and/or general Counsel)
  • Increase the profile of internal BCLP stakeholders and the wider practice with FI contacts/clients (legal, regulatory, compliance)
  • Raise awareness among target journalists and news titles

Strategy & Execution

We devised a campaign based on opinions and perspectives from in-house BCLP legal experts and third-party key opinion leaders across industry, trade groups and regulatory bodies with key emerging themes including Sustainability & ESG, Changing Markets, Talent, Inclusion & Diversity, Governance, Risk & Regulatory Enforcement and Technology & Cyber.

We developed a detailed published report to be used as “hero content,” which was then repurposed into additional content that included a series of magazine-style interview articles, a bespoke and dedicated online content hub, a three-month social strategy, and an online launch event with clients, prospects and media.


Within the first month of its launch, the campaign had resulted in the following brand and sales outcomes:

  • 136 personal follow-ups with clients and prospects
  • Seven in-person meetings confirmed with clients and prospects
  • Four subsequent follow-ups and pitch opportunities
  • 3,328 campaign web-portal visits
  • 299 downloads of the flagship report
  • 194 individuals sharing contact information for future engagement
  • 183,218 individuals reached via social media distribution
  • 132 event attendees, including the Financial Times and WSJ/Dow Jones